Text Guides
For those who don't like to watch videos or just don't have the bandwidth for it, I made some text guides for you also but you will get the most out of watching my videos because a lot of what is said in the videos doesn't appear in this text guide because a lot of the stuff is spur of the moment and sometimes, things happen that I cannot predict which is a good learning experience for everyone, even myself included.
Guide 1 - Starting From Scratch
Guide 2 - Building a Strong Army, Fast!
Guide 3 - Joining an Alliance
Guide 4 - Defining Your Path
Guide 5 - Building New Bases & Base Types
Guide 6 - Flying Under the Radar
Guide 7 - PvE
Guide 9 - PvP (VERY LONG)
Guide 10 - Useful UserScripts
Guide 11 - Moving to Bigger Better Things
Guide 12 - Day-to-Day Operations
Guide 13 - Blitzkriegs
Guide 14 - All Out Wars
Guide 15 - World Wars
Guide 16 - Intel, Spying, Recon
Guide 17 - Strike Teams & Strategies
Guide 19 - Defense and POI holding
Guide 20 - POI Prioritization
Guide 21 - Diplomacy (Allies, NAP's & Enemies)
Guide 22 - Tips & Training for the CiC Role
Guide 23 - Chain of Command
Guide 24 - Territory Control, Rules and Border Agreements
Guide 25 - Dealing with Whiners and Dictators
Guide 26 - CIA Grade Persuasion Training
Guide 27 - Recruiting & War Defectors
Guide 28 - Dealing with Rogue Players
Guide 29 - Putting The Past Behind You
Guide 30 - End Game & Satellite Codes
Any Suggestion? Suggest a guide! Right now, I'm only taking personal requests from the following servers:
- 13
- 22
- 48
- 52
- 58